Friday, April 15, 2016

Anti homeopathy skeptics on Twitter

Addendum: The anti homeopathy Twitter users still trying to get me suspended from Twitter. Instead, DaveHope80 got suspended. I had nothing to do with his suspension from Twitter.

This TWEET is what the malicious anti homeopathy skeptics have turned a mother of six into! She and DaveHope80 have been turned into hateful Twitter users.

A tweet of 28 Nov, 2015 by @ellieornot who was led to believe, incorrectly and purposefully, that BrownBagPantry (my Twitter ID) is a homeopath.

I agree 100 per cent, IF THAT TWEET WOULD INSTEAD READ: There ought to be legal repercussions against a group of anti homeopathy trolls who use a grieving father as a pawn to slander someone who they believe is a homeopath. I am not. I am a grateful homeopathic patient. Personally, I think this approach is better. I will post a link to this blog post every time an anti homeopathy troll maliciously uses my well intended interaction with the father [DaveHope80] of a child who died as a result of sepsis. Even a UK sepsis doctor joined in.

I feel I have a right to defend myself against these continued misrepresentations, using outright lies. The father himself sent me a private direct message that, to me at least, expressed his displeasure surrounding the ensuing crusade against me. My effort to defend myself in this manner may take weeks, but it is past overdue. The family needs to grieve in a suitable manner without being constantly reminded of this misunderstanding that was settled between myself and Dave, privately, early on. The Twitter user MetalOllie had an instrumental hand in starting and continuing (as I write this) the emotional injury to this father. See Metal Ollie's blog posts. Metal Ollie's first blog post   2nd blog post  3rd blog post Read them carefully. You will be able to see the spin and the real reason Dave was chosen to be the poster boy against me and homeopathy. These people had Dave so upset that he tweeted this (see image) and included my home address in a private message to me via my blog. (not published here for obvious reasons) He did apologize to me via Twitter DM saying "I would never do that." He and I have agreed to keep our more in depth correspondence private.