From the Good Thinking Society blog on July 28, 2017
The tweet below by JoBrodie, an anti homeopathy activist, best illustrates
my objection to the CCG's opinion only survey request. Would it not be more
equitable to conduct and include a cost benefit outcome analysis to aid in
the final decision making process?
In my opinion, funding for homeopathy in any form should be based on more independent analyses. Examples below.
Or, use published WHO Guidelines when making similar health care choices?
You do realise that it is typically your crowd that is pushing *for* opinion based healthcare, right?
ReplyDeleteIf you have reached the point where you are even arguing against the opinion of the masses some part of you has realised that you are losing the popular vote. That you no longer have the numbers to be able to influence something like this.
Some part of you is realising that homeopathy is indeed on the decline.
You should listen to that part of yourself and ask it why this is the case.
I don't believe you'll publish this, or leave it published for long so, for the record:
Actually, Gold, YOU and other "skeptics" of homeopathy are the ones who are arguing against the masses. World wide there are about 2,000 "skeptics", i.e., people who have never used, studied or practiced homeopathy but claim it doesn't work. That's where the "opinions" come in. There are more than 550 million homeopathic patients across the globe who know from many years of use that it does work. There are several hundred high quality studies published in 129 respected, peer-reviewed journals showing it works in a variety of health conditions. There is replicated research showing it works in 23 conditions including blood coagulation, arsenic toxicity, female infertility and ADHD.
DeleteStick to your opinions if they advance you on life's path. Those with knowledge and experience will stick with homeopathy. The UK should be promoting homeopathy and expanding its offerings which will happen soon enough when big pharma kills off enough UK folks and bankrupts its government.