May 19, 2017

I have not yet blogged about medtek's tweet to drpaulmorgan telling him that someone should really tell "baggie's son" what she is doing on Twitter. Someone did post a comment "about your Mother on Twitter" on my son's Facebook page!
August 13,2016
Next up @medtek Calling me a “dishonest American woman”, mwsrwk sent the tweet below to Chris Heaton-Harris, a member of the British parliament and sponsor of the newest version of the Saatchi Bill, which would allow innovative therapy including homeopathy for patients for whom no other care has been of benefit. I tweeted to Mr. Heaton-Harris thanking him for his continued effort for passage of this bill noting that I have many friends in the UK. My Twitter ID clearly shows I live in the U.S.
@medtek then tweeted the following to myself and Chris Heaton-Harris: “ @BrownBagPantry @chhcalling this dishonest American woman is exactly WHY you should be listening to British scientists.” #homeopathy Nov 05, 2015
Then these two: @BrownBagPantry @chhcalling #homeopathy, of course, is the opposite of innovative medicine. It's not even medicine. Nov 05, 2015
@BrownBagPantry @chhcalling Which one of us has an actual stake? I am a UK resident and taxpayer working in healthcare. You? Nov 05, 2015
Note: At the time medtek's Twitter page listed her residence in the U.S.; Washington State.
@medtek then tweeted a link to @MetalOllie's blog where he talks about my Twitter interaction with Dave Hope. Rightfully so, he reminds her that what she has done is inappropriate!
His reply:

2nd up Guy Chapman "Sandra Courtney, SAHC, and BrownBagPantry blog posts. One of them is HERE Another one "Farting for Homeopathy" is HERE
On Amazon, an example of ridicule directed towards me by the skeptics of homeopathy, HERE. These comments are meant to humiliate and stop people from defending homeopathy. Sad. It is particularly vile on pages 6, 7 and 8. Some of my comments and those of others who support homeopathy have been voted as "not helpful", so they are whited out, but can still be read.
Three years ago, the comment below by Maria McLachlan (the wife of Alan Henness) was put in the comment section of my first fighting for homeopathy blog. I first thought to delete it, but decided to publish it instead. She also published my private email address on her blog. It is probably still there.
"I recommend a homeopathic remedy to you, Sandra. Excrementum caninum. On the principle that like treats like, I presume it treats shit-for-brains syndrome. Try it and let's see if it makes you any more intelligent.
You are one of the nastiest cult-members I've had the misfortune to come across and it's fair to assume that it's because you don't have a rational argument that you continue to behave in this despicable manner.
So far all I have seen you do is harass, abuse and lie about people who tell the truth about homeopathy - the truth being, of course, that it is a pile of steaming crap that unscrupulous quacks promote in order to line their own pockets.
Your stupidity is boundless and it is no surprise that you believe in magic pills. So what do you ultimately hope to achieve, Sandra? If your objective is to demonstrate the rank idiocy and nastiness of followers of cult of homeopathy, then please carry on because it is behaviour like yours that keeps me going."

Posted on Amazon by Guy Chapman on 13 Aug 2012:
"Sandra, you have been caught out. Protesting your innocence in the face of compelling evidence to the contrary does you no favours. As to 'vile', you are the one who set up a page about "enemies of hoemopathy" with pictures, snide remarks, and any criticsal commentary deleted. As usual for a hoemopathist, you can only "win" if you can control the mdeium and the message; in open discussion your ideas are rapidly exposed as intellectually bankrupt."
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